This haunt is created by Hector Turner who lives in Canada
Quoted from his web site "A Haunted Halloween in Brampton, Ontario
Spooky music echos down the street as weird lights play across moldering tombstones. Spider webs dangle from overhead trees ready to catch unwitting prey. Lightning flashes across the sky just as an unholy scream rends the night. Werewolves howl as other darker terrors lurk among the shadows. Trick-or-treaters beware!
I've been into Halloween my whole life (my last official Halloween as a TOT my friend and I went out as Lepers - just a hint of things to come) but I am relatively new to the whole Haunt scene. It started with a few store-bought decorations and dressing up in costume to jump out at the kids when they came to the door. Later we took the haunt to the front lawn and this was so much more fun - you got to interact with the kids more and could see their reactions better.
Things kicked into high-gear in 2004 with the creation of my Uruk-Hai costume from Lord of the Rings and then in 2005 with tombstones and other props. Every year the plans are even bigger and better. Word has spread among the neighbourhood kids and they really look forward to coming to our house Halloween night. If you're in the area, stop by - everyone's welcome!"
His web site is full of photos of his haunts from 2002 to the current 2010 season.
You will also find many project how to's with lots of photos to guide you along the way.
He also has a "download" page where you can download templates for various tombstones,signs and more.
You definately don't want to pass this site up, take a few minutes and check it out, just seeing his photos are inspirational to your prop and scene creative juices!
She has very awesome props from realistic, creepy, aged potion bottle labels, hand crafted halloween beads such as skulls, to all kinds of props from a to z. Her creations are creepy, antique, and beautiful as well as frightning.